Does COVID-19 test have side effects?

Common complaints from patients that had undergone the COVID-19 test include feeling uncomfortable during the procedure. Very rarely, the introduction of a 6th-inches swab may cause infection. Nevertheless, these side effects are temporary and manageable. (Ready Stock) Whistling COVID-19 Home Rapid Antigen Kit (RTK) Lollipop Design RM34.50 ADD TO CART […]

What is the Rapid PCR (ID Now) Test?

Rapid PCR Test or also known ID Now COVID-19 test is able to screen for the COVID-19 virus as quick as 13 minutes, allowing for a faster diagnosis or detection of the virus. (Ready Stock) Whistling COVID-19 Home Rapid Antigen Kit (RTK) Lollipop Design RM34.50 ADD TO CART (Ready Stock) […]